Med ønsker om en rolig og fredelig Jul fra alle oss i Allfirda Kennel
Julehilsen jula 2019

Og en ekstra Hipp Hipp Hurra for vår Rime (Kathstone’s Destined for Allfirda) som fyller hele 6 år i dag ❤ Gratulerer til alle søsken også.

Sorger og gleder

Jeg er ikke den som alltid er så frempå når det gjelder å dele offentlig alle sorger og gleder, kanskje spesielt mine sorger, da sosiale media ikke er plattformen jeg alltid er komfortabel med å brette ut alt av følelser.
Men noen ganger føles det fint å kunne minnes og akkurat nå tenker jeg på at livet består av oppturer og nedturer, sorger og gleder, og ofte går disse hånd i hånd 💔❤️

Det kjennes tomt og rart å være uten vår høyt elskede Nemi. Hun ville fylt 13 år i januar, men denne uken måtte vi la henne slippe 💔 Vi hadde håpet hun skulle få gleden av en ny vår, men vårt ønske var ikke forenelig med hva som var best for henne. Nemi, whippetsjelen som grov seg inn i våre hjerter, som gjorde at vi forelsket oss i rasen og som videre ledet til et kjærlighetsrikt hundeliv på så mange måter. Hun vil alltid trone øverst, en once-in-a-life-time hund, som har trøstet, gledet, vært tilstede det meste av barnas liv, og mitt og mannens samliv. Kilden til ‘hundegalskapen’ vil vel noen si ❤️ og vi ville ikke vært det foruten. Tusen takk for alle dagene, timene, stundene med deg kjære min fine Nemi ❤️💔 Du vil aldri bli glemt ❤️🌹

Og samtidig midt oppi alt det triste kom også gleden over å ønske en ny venn inn i familien. En vakker og herlig sak som vi har ønsket oss lenge, og nå er hun endelig her  ❤️ Hun vi har ventet på og gledet oss til og som vi er så takknemlig over å kunne deleie med Ole og Nils Erik i Kazar kennel. Tusen takk for tilliten 🤗❤️ Vi gleder oss til det dagene vil bringe av latter og glede og kjærlighet med vår lille sjarmis Kazar Zakia ❤️






Autumn is here

A longer video from friday, 4. October. The only positive thing about the autumn is that the dogs can run free, but the cold I could do without.

It is always interesting to see the pack in free motion together. Abba and Inga are close in age and trying to figure out whos gonna be in charge. It is quite harmless but with a lot of noise.
Miza was nearly run over by Inga (it doesn’t seem as she was actually run over) and felt very sorry for herself for a while, and then a few minutes later running like crazy again. They know how to act dramatic.
Ine, who is so small, have learned to lay low and close to me when the sights come running.
So amazing to see when Inga stretch her legs for a run.
And then you got the old lady just strolling around finding the gras most interesting.

Because of the unknown disease going on in Norway (a lot of dogs died of diarrhea) and the isolation due to that, we have not been on many shows this late summer. Now everything is starting to get back to normal and Dogs4all is coming up in November so I might see you there 🙂 Wishing all our dog friends a lovely autumn.

Valpeshow i Malvik

2.desember 2018
Denne gangen var det tid for å introdusere Hjortehunden vår Inga (Undimoon Monna) til utstillingens verden. Vi hadde på forhånd bare vært på en ustillingstrening og det å jobbe med Hjortehund har jeg merket er veldig forskjellig fra whippet, så vi var på forhånd veldig spent. 

Inga tok hele settingen med knusende ro, og synes ikke det var noe å bry seg så mye om og oppførte seg eksemplarisk. 

God kritikk fikk hun også. Dommer for dagen var Vigdis Nymark. 
Best i rase med HP (hederspremie) og 2.Best i gruppe. 

The end of 2017

And soon to be the beginning of 2018.

This year has been a busy year on other behalf than Whippets. Two of our kids has turned in to young adults and have moved away to the city to attend school there. This means a great deal of adjustments and also help from us. Meanwhile we have been upgrading our old house, which is an ongoing prosess. Also with a 7 year old girl in the house we need to pay attention to more than our four legged children.

So we didn’t attend so many show rings this year. Neither did we train for Lure Coursing this year. Anyway this year has still brought us some results to be proud of.

Allfirdas Pablo Picasso – got his last CAC and was Norwegian and Swedish Champion in January, and had 2 x Best of Breed placements  with 2.BOG and 3.BOG and a 3.Best Male placement during the 8 shows he attended (one in Sweden).

Allfirdas Zelda – got her last CAC and was Norwegian Champion in June, and had two Best of Breed-placements and one 2.Best Bitch placement during the 7 shows she attended .

Allfirdas Ymslanda – did well in Austria with Sabbine, and is Austrian Youth Champion. He also fathered his first litter at kennel Animagi just before Christmas.

Allfirdas Princess Lumi – living in Bergen with Ina, attended 9 shows and is missing only the kennel club Cac to become Norwegian champion. She got two 2.Best Bitch placements, one 4.Best Bitch placement and three Best of Breed placements with two BOG, one 3BOG and one 2BIS during her 9 shows.

Allfirdas Avalon – living in Løkken Verk with Tove, attended 16 shows during the year, and had good results and also received a CAC amongst several Best Bitch placements, and several placements in the junior class. She was also Best of Breed Junior and 2.BIS Junior at The Norwegian Sighthound clubs annual Sighthound show in July.

Allfirdas Hugin – attended 4 puppy shows and Dogs4all when he just had turned 9 months old. Two Best Opposite Sex (bos) placements as puppy and he won the Junior Class at Dogs4All and got his NJV-17 – title at his only adult show this year. We are looking forward to see what 2018 can bring for this youngster.

Allfirdas Roskva – attended 5 puppy shows and one adult show as 9 months old. Se did really well as a puppy and brought three Best of Breed with two Group winnings and two Best in Show puppy, one of them won at The Whippet Special Show in Strømsholm. We are looking forward to see what 2017 can bring for this young girl.

Allfirdas Epona – living in Surnadal with Olaug, attended 5 shows and did well with placements in competitions class in 4 of them and with a Reserve CAC.

Allfirdas Arya Stark – living in Surnadal with Olaug, attended 4 shows and did well with placements in competition class in 2 of them with one Best Opposite Sex placements with CAC.

Kathstone’s Destined for Allfirda (Rime) – attended 3 shows this year and got one Best Opposite Sex with CAC.

Courtborne Vikings-Arn – attended 2 puppy shows and got Best Opposite Sex puppy and Best of Breed puppy with 2BOG placement. As a youngster he has placements in junior class.

Denne bildekrusellen krever javaskript.


Litter 2018

We are so looking forward to what awaits us in 2018 and are so thankful for the opportunity we got to use this stunning male for our bitch:

(C.I.B., WW 2011, US GR CH, FI CH, NO CH, IT CH, EE CH, FI W 2011, HE W 2011, HE W 2012, HE W 2013 Aberdeen Remarkable In Paris x C.I.B., DK CH, SE CH Mac Bells Driving Miss Daisy)

I’ve been having my eyes on him for a long time, and meeting him and Helene this summer was a blast. It’s been a long wait when you look forward to something, but as they say – the one who is waiting for something good never waits to long.

BSBK 2017

Gode nyheter fra Bergen.
Ina og Allfirdas Princess Lumi stilte den 29.september på Bergen selskaps- og brukshundklubb (BSBK) for dommer Frank Kane, UK.
Lumi ble BIR og 3BIG.
Lumi BIR
Foto: Ina P.Velsvik